As most of you know, my style of photography tends to fall into the category of creative photojournalism. This is to say, that I spend a great deal of time simply watching and waiting. First I look. I position myself according to the variables that make for a good, well-lit image and wait for moments to develop. On my better days I like to think of myself as some kind of camera-yielding ninja. Being discreet and shooting in a calm, controlled manner plays an important role in my work. Wide-angled story-telling shots are what inspired me to create Chasing Moments Photography in the first place:

When I meet clients for the first time, they often ask if I also incorporate time for directed shots in a typical wedding shoot. My answer is always the same: yes but let’s keep it short and sweet.
Given that this more traditional part of the day is so far removed from the idea of “Chasing Moments” I have surprised myself lately with just how much I am enjoying the playful possibilities that come from directing the bride and groom. I tried to think about why this might be and came up with a few possible reasons:
1) Taking the Bride and Groom off to a quiet spot creates a moment of calm in an otherwise whirlwind day.
2) Wedding venues are generally stunning and are literally begging to be photographed.
3) Even shy people can forget themselves if directed in the right way.
4) Fashion photography is cool so why should it be limited to magazines?
So this last point is probably what has inspired me during my most recent shoots. On a typical wedding day, the bride looks the most beautiful she ever has and the groom looks handsome, so why not throw in a hint of drama?
Ultimately though, as photographer, the trick is knowing your couple. It’s having the confidence to encourage them to try what you believe will unveil some part of their personality. Phillipe Halsman used to ask his subjects to jump, believing that the act of jumping would cause them to forget themselves and their personalities would be laid bare for all to see. I like this idea and intend to try it myself one day, when I find the bride with the right dress, I’ll let you know.
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